Resources » Disability Support Services

Disability Support Services

Did you have an IEP when you were in high school?

Are you a client of State Department of Rehabilitation (DOR)

If you are a student with a verifiable disability that needs accommodations in your classroom, you may be eligible for disability support services at Evans!
We provide support to adult students with verifiable disabilities who request services and enroll in career technical and adult education programs.
You can connect with Mrs. Lopez via zoom on Tuesdays from 1:00 pm- 1:30pm or call/email to schedule an appointment prior to enrolling into any orientation course or program course, so she may guide you through the process and ensure equitable access to our school resources.
Our DSS Advisor, Mrs. Lopez is available Tuesdays and Thursdays to assist student needing supports with the following:
  • Student registration/enrollment
  • Referrals to community agencies; Department of Rehabilitation, Regional Centers, Workers Comp.
  • Classroom accommodations
  • Enlargement of print material and Braille material
  • Sign language Interpreters
  • Assistive Technology


A verifiable disability means having proper documentation from a medical professional that states the nature of the disability. This can be provided in the following format:
  • A copy of an Inactive IEP (previous Special Education student) must be exited out of high school program.
  • A letter or medical documentation from physician, psychiatrist, psychologist, or any qualified medical professional.
  • Documentation for a workers compensation voucher and record
  • A record of a veteran’s service-related disability
  • Social Security Disability records


All accommodations must be clearly identified, directly correlated to the disability, and documented by a medical professional who is qualified to make the diagnosis. Once you have qualified and registered through the DSS Office, we will assist you with registration and coordination of services and accommodations throughout your training. We will continue to provide assistance and support throughout your educational path.

Agency Referrral

Evans works with community partners to help support students with disabilities in covering their training fees and book costs. If you need financial assistance and plan to enter employment following the completion of your training, you may qualify for Department of Rehabilitation and/or work source center. These agencies offer free services to assist adults with disabilities to prepare for and secure employment. Let the DSS Advisor know that you are interested in applying for these services.

Online Counseling

Speak to a Counselor

1:00 pm - 1:30 pm
Please visit to contact DSS regarding accomodations or assistance.
Contact DSS Advisor